Tuesday, August 19, 2008

She's got personality!

I just returned from the OB's office. We're measuring 35 weeks. No cervical changes. Grrr! I swear this kid is hanging from my ribs like a little bat. When the nurse was attempting to get her FHT's, Anna kept kicking the doppler. She has a habit of doing things like that. Seriously, look at the big 3D/4D scan we had back at the end of June. She would NOT move her hands from her face and when we would try to get her to do so, she would kick the crap out of me. She has this stubborn little personality already. Scary. She's like the fetal version of Andy ... or my sister. (LOL ...)

She is running out of room and taking it out on me. When she tries to move and can't she gets mad and starts punching me in the side like I am purposely locking her head in my pelvis and placing obstacles in her way (you know, that darned small intestine, colon, stomach, those stupid ribs ... )! I told Andy that it feels like she is going to come through my side, like a crazy maternity version of that scene from "Alien."

On top of it all, I have reached the size of a small elephant (I weighed 168 pounds this morning), my morning sickness has returned with a vengence, I ache all over if I stand up for more than 10 minutes at a time, and this P.U.P.P.P. rash is driving me nuts. I have literally clawed my legs until I've bled!

So, we're going to do whatever we have to get this kid out of here in a week or so. The eviction notice is being served. Spicy food? Gonna eat it. Lot's of sex? Gonna have it. Long walks? Gonna go on 'em. Doing the Nature Nazi thing and squatting by a birthing ball? Gonna do it. We're gonna do everything short of Castor Oil. I keep joking to Andy that I feel like Jabba the Hut and that pretty soon, he'll be my little slave. I'll have to get him a metal bikini and chain him next to me. LOL ... He's like, "I feel like a piece of meat!" At least we're finding humor in all of this, right?

{{{ BIG SIGH }}}

I have plans to do some yard work today, too. The lawn needs mowing (I can't stand an ugly lawn!) and the flower bed in front is in desperate need of weeding. I might even hit the Home Depot to get some heavy gauge plastic, some white river rocks, a new border, a few pretty planters, and some new flowers. Bella and I'll weed the flower bed, install the plastic and the new border, and then cover the area with river rocks. We'll place the vases/planters in various spots in the rocky bed, then put the new potted plants in them. I really need a new place for my statue of the Blessed Virgin, so maybe I'll get a small fountain, too, and make it a mini grotto!

Well, the mail was just delivered. Bella got a "Pop Pop box" (a package from my Dad) and I got the new " The '08 Playbook: the official bookstore collection of the University of Florida" in the mail. I really need some new car flags and such, so I'm gonna give it a good look while Bella rips open her package.

Have a wonderful day!

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