Saturday, October 11, 2008


It's been a long week. If forgot how much work a newborn baby really is! The massive amounts of laundry, the sore boobs from cluster feedings, the lack of sleep, the poop (oh, this kid can poop!), etc. And my house! Oh my ... I haven't done a thorough cleaning since Sept. 18th! I need to get all the clean laundry put away, I need to most the kitchen, foyer, and bathrooms, I need to clorox the kitchen and baths, ... the list goes on and on.

We've got to get into some kind of schedule soon. I am looking forward to returning to work soon (can you believe that I actually MISS the whiney Lortab addicts, the sneaky Viagra dudes, the pharmacy dramas?) and know that I will not be able to do all of the housework, yardwork, take care of two kiddos, be loving to my husband, work, and keep my sanity. I know that is sounds selfish, but I really do need some "ME" time every day, even if it's only for 10 minutes.

There are a lot of things happening over the next few weeks, too, that require my attention. Gator Growl and the homecoming game against Kentucky is coming up, we have three nights of trick-or-treating for which I need to make costumes -- Zoo, Aquarium, and neighborhood, and the election is coming up. There are also birthdays to remember, planning/shopping for Thanksgiving and Christmas, school events, etc.

Bella and I also have dentist appointments ... and we need to get flu shots ... Geesh.

I'm getting a headache just thinking about all of that.

On a lighter note, I've pissed off a liberal who didn't appreciate my pointing out not only the liberal bias of certain newspaper stories and Obama's past. It's amazing how many ignorant Democrats there are out there. Why is so hard to acknowledge that the Dem's messiah is a racist, in league with terrorists, and, no pun intended, and OBAMAnation to the country. He truly is the anti-Christ.

Ah, well ... you can lead a horse (or should I say jack ass ... it IS the Dem's mascot) to water, but you certainly can't make it drink.

I'm going to get off of the net and watch the end of the Texas/Oklahoma game. Have a wonderful weekend.

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