Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I've got the blues ... and I'm not talking about macaronni!

Well, no baby yet.

We had yet another disappointing OB visit today. There's been no cervical change whatsoever since July 24th. (Well, the OB said we're a half a centimeter more dilated today than last week, but that doesn't mean too much because today I saw one of the petite female docs. Last week I saw the one male OB who has hands the size of a bear paw...) That damned scar tissue is still intact and the reason that I'm not dilating. Grrr! I couldn't convince her to break it for me. Damnit, if I could reach it I'd break it myself. I feel like my body has been hijacked ... I feel like I look like Jabba the Hut

They did an ultrasound to be sure of Anna's position. She is all smooshed in there ... you'd think she'd be more than ready to come on out. But no .... She is indeed in a vertex position, at a -2 station. (She's about two centimeters above my ischial spines ...) {{{{Big Sigh}}}} I swear this baby is hanging in there like a bat, refusing to emerge! And it's drive ME batty!

My husband and I talked to the doc about my pre-partum depression. She swears that if Anna hasn't come by Sept. 16th that she'll induce me. She won't do an elective induction before 39 weeks. As least I see a light at the end of the tunnel. In two weeks tops I'll have a baby! She'll be home in time to dress her up for the Florida / Tennessee game! Woot!!

I feel a little better emotionally though. Andy went with me and supported me, talking to the doctor about what's going on. He calls me pre-partum / post-party because I get depressed pre-partum and am on cloud nine when the baby arrives. The OB listened to my rantings and frustrations, which is a change because the one doc that I seem to always see tries to get out of the room ASAP ... I think I scare him. (LOL ...) She didn't try to cover the issues with a script for Zoloft or Paxil, either, for which I am appreciative. I am not a medication type person (which is funny considering what I do for a living!) She didn't have me carted off to a looney bin, either. LOL ...

I told her that I feel like I'm going crazy because if you say something other than, "I'm so exited!" or "I'm so happy!" when they ask about your pregnancy, they think you're nuts or unappreciative. Quite the contrary. I love the end result -- the beautiful little baby ... I just hate the baking part. The OB that I saw today said that pre-partum depression isn't rare at all. Perhaps more women should talk about it instead of shutting those feelings away.

Anyway, my birthday is Nov. 11th and the hubby's is Nov. 24th. Bella was born on the Sept. 24th. Maybe this one will come Sept. 11th. :D Of course, if that happened, we know that 9, 11, and 24 are our "lucky" numbers ... and we should SO play the lottery with them! (Yeah, I'm being silly ....)

Well, I really need to print party invites for Bella to take to school tomorrow. I just wanted to check in and leave an update.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My name is Michael Smith and i would like to show you my personal experience with Paxil.

I am 40 years old. Have been on Paxil for 5 years now. Please be careful if coming off, i started to wean myself with out doctors help couldnt afford it. I went from 20 mgs to 10 mgs for a month, then 10 mgs to 5 mgs for a month. Because the 20 mgs were way to strong took 20 for 5 years and was always on edge. After about 1 month on 10 felt a little better. I stopped for 7 days completly and man did I feel like shit man I didn’t want to leave the house , shop! I just started back on 5 mgs to get it back in my system. Who know what is the right amount you have to be the test subject on yourself!

I have experienced some of these side effects-
Headaches, tremors, emotional wreck, just the blah's when I 1st started takin wasnt bad, cause I also way taken klonopin.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Michael Smith