Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hurricane babies, the blues, and such

We are watching Tropical Storm, soon-to-be Hurricane Hanna closely today. It could hit us so I'm pondering whether or not to load up and head to Dad's house. I do not look forward to driving for over three hours in my condition. It hurts to sit up for more than 20 minutes in one position ... I can't imagine sitting in the car for that amount of time! And what if I go into labor during the trip or while we're up there? Yes, there are hospitals there, but I'd rather deliver with my doctor, near my home. I am hoping and praying that this storm doesn't hit us ... or that its impact will be minimal.

Once Hanna's gone, we have to worry about that monster right behind her, Hurricane Ike. Ike is currently a Cat. 4 hurricane. YIKES! Ike! Don't hit us! (sang to the tune of the "Fruit Stripe Gum" jingle...)

It's really funny, though. Hurricane Isabel made landfall shortly before our little Isabella was born. Now we have Hurricane Hanna looming on our shores shortly before our little Anna is due to arrive. I realized that this morning as I was watching goofy surfers going on and on about the "awesome rip currents!" on TV.

It's really a pretty day outside, sunny and hot. I think that Bella and I might head to the beach when I pick her up today just to get some photos. She really wants to head to the Upstate to see Pop Pop (it IS "Grandparent's Day" on Sunday, afterall!), but I hope that the promise of collecting shells on the beach combined with party planning and making goody bags this weekend will suffice.
She is getting into the school routine nicely, loving her teachers and the Montessori education. (She's doing yoga today, LOL ...) She got all Gatored out this morning since her school week is only four days. (Fridays are option art days / field trip days.) She's so cute!
You know, my relationship with her is another reason for my prepartum blues. This kid really is the center of my life. My mother left us when Terri and I were young, so I always said that I'd be the mother I never had. I want Bella to know that she is my little angel ... my baby. I can't imagine that I could care about another person the same way. I don't want to cheat Anna, but I also don't want Bella to get lost in the mix. I was an older sister and I know what it's like when the new baby arrives. Everything is about the baby. The baby this, the baby that. I have GOT to figure out how to ensure that he life doesn't change too much with the new arrival. (big sigh!)
Well, it's nearly noon. I've got to get going. I've got a few things to do before I pick the kiddo up from school.
Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

James H said...

I hate this time of year. We have to be on edge all SEPT long!!!